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2 708 455.00 PLN
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Sanok podkarpackie
STOMET Sp. z o.o. was launched in 1992 pursuant to combining the resources of the toolroom and the renovation department of STOMIL SANOK S.A. Traditions of completion of moulds, instrumentation and devices for production ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Dąbrówki podkarpackie
Our company is involved in production of a wide range of goods made from stainless steel, constructional steel, aluminium and plastic, mainly for the yacht industry, food industry and chemical industry. We also realize ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Szczecin zachodniopomorskie
The core CORKER company profile is production of highly-specialized micro components such as elements of machines, sockets and plugs, lines and industrial works, automotive construction elements, installation components ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Białe Błota kujawsko-pomorskie
ZPUH OSKA is a medium-sized enterprise that has been operating on the market since 1989. Our company’s specialty remains the same from the very beginning of its business activity, and it consists of the processing of ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
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Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń i prawa autorskie do zdjęć. Klient dostarczający materiały potwierdza, iż nie narusza praw autorskich
osób trzecich i posiada odpowiednie zgody i uprawnienia określone stosownym prawem, które pozwalają na opublikowanie zdjęcia/filmów/treści w Serwisie i na nim spoczywa
odpowiedzialność za ewnetualne nieprawne ich wykorzystanie.