SELLING - The latest trade offers businesses
Products available:
2 708 455.00 PLN
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Spytkowice małopolskie
Hello, we are a Polish company that produces kitchen, bathroom, hotel and room furniture.We produce custom-made furniture fronts made of PVC foil and varnished.We have our own machine park, thanks to which we ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Spytkowice małopolskie
Hello, we are a Polish company that produces kitchen, bathroom, hotel and room furniture.We produce custom-made furniture fronts made of PVC foil and varnished.We have our own machine park, thanks to which we ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Spytkowice małopolskie
Hello, we are a Polish company that produces kitchen, bathroom, hotel and room furniture.We produce custom-made furniture fronts made of PVC foil and varnished.We have our own machine park, thanks to which we ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Spytkowice małopolskie
Hello, we are a Polish company that produces kitchen, bathroom, hotel and room furniture.We produce custom-made furniture fronts made of PVC foil and varnished.We have our own machine park, thanks to which we ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Rudziniec śląskie
The company was launched in 1993 as a family-run business. We specialize in production of glued wooden elements. Our products require application of high-quality technology in the scope of their throughput. Our core product ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Suwałki podlaskie
Łabędź is a carpentry workshop, which is represented by Zygmunt Zuchwalski and which is a family company with traditions, as well as many years of experience 1991. Our company provides carpentry services of the highest ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Suwałki podlaskie
Łabędź is a carpentry workshop, which is represented by Zygmunt Zuchwalski and which is a family company with traditions, as well as many years of experience 1991. Our company provides carpentry services of the highest ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Suwałki podlaskie
Łabędź is a carpentry workshop, which is represented by Zygmunt Zuchwalski and which is a family company with traditions, as well as many years of experience 1991. Our company provides carpentry services of the highest ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Niebocko podkarpackie
Zakłady GRABO has a range of activities that are mainly based on manufacturing, but this also includes particular stages of processing wood from forestry operations to producing finished furniture plate, furniture, or ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Page 1 of 7
Redakcja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść ogłoszeń i prawa autorskie do zdjęć. Klient dostarczający materiały potwierdza, iż nie narusza praw autorskich
osób trzecich i posiada odpowiednie zgody i uprawnienia określone stosownym prawem, które pozwalają na opublikowanie zdjęcia/filmów/treści w Serwisie i na nim spoczywa
odpowiedzialność za ewnetualne nieprawne ich wykorzystanie.