SELLING - The latest trade offers businesses
Products available:
2 560 485.00 PLN
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Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Sopot pomorskie
Our company specialises in the sale of poultry meat, pork meat, beef, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits. The products that we offer are highly appreciated on the markets of the European Union, Asia and Africa. Due to ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Łaszczów lubelskie
We are looking for companies producing manual machines, hydraulic, pneumatic devices press, bending machines, lathes, saws, table drilling machines, conveyor belts etc. in order to offer them our own solutions of machine ... more
Unit price:
negotiableOffered quantity: Wholesale quantities
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price871.00 PLN 191.50 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price1 607.00 PLN 353.31 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price1 615.00 PLN 355.07 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price446.00 PLN 98.06 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price740.00 PLN 162.69 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price558.00 PLN 122.68 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price870.00 PLN 191.28 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price592.00 PLN 130.16 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price878.00 PLN 193.03 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price462.00 PLN 101.57 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price468.00 PLN 102.89 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
Gołdap warmińsko-mazurskie
PPH GICOR - a producer of high-quality cast iron products. Our company is a family business that was set up in 1973. We have great expertise and experience in cast iron products that we produce 100% in north-eastern ... more
Unit price73.00 PLN 16.05 EUR
Offered quantity: 10 szt.
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